We are a small cattery in the very south of Sweden, in Trelleborg, not far from Malmö.
It´s mother and daughter (Jenny and Ida) who are the persons behind the cattery name S*ÄgirsHus, but in reality the whole family is involved.
My husband, Krister, made this homepage, for example. (Thanks love *big kiss*)
and Tamlin is helping out with cuddles and daily care...
I am the person who has been leading the work for La Perm's recognition within FIFe, and I am very proud of of hard work!
I am sitting as FIFe La Perm Breed Council Secretary!
We got our Cattery name registered through the SVERAK - part of FIFe - in July 2006, and a lovely La Perm girl moved here not long after.
The breed we are working with is La Perm, but during our first years we also bred a few litters of Selkirk Rex.
Myself, I have always been more of a dog's person, that was what I believed anyway; and we have had several sighthounds; Whippet, Galgo and Greyhound in our family.
We also used to share our house with a big and beautiful house cat named Ramses, but he was not a pet cat, no no, not our Ramses.
He could allow you to pet him once - he purred.
The next tender touch made his tail whip...and if you didn´t get it by then, but tried another, third time - well, all his teeth and claws
would be stuck in your arm...That´s how he was, our Ramses.
He was my very first cat, so please don´t judge me to harshly when I admit I actually didn´t understand what people saw in theese creatures, not what so ever!!
Many were the times when I wished him ...eh, let´s say, far away, and maybe even further.. but in spite of that I felt sad
and the house seemed empty when he died, 12 years old, and I realized, though he only participated in his very own way, he was a part of the family...
Krister grew up with cats, and has seen many of them come and go in his life, and he used to be the big cat fan in this house,
but now he has started to wonder if I have gone totally mental..*laughing*
Ida has graduated from college, where she studied animal welfare and care. Last year she took classes that allows her to do mirco-chipping and give medicin!
She is workling at our local vet's pratice as a veterinarian assistant/pet nurse - she´s got extraordinary good hand with animals of all kinds, and love them all highly.
We made a Power Point Presentation of the La Perm standard (FIFe)